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    Wednesday, 4 June 2008

    Wednesday, 4Th June, 2008

    Wedsesday, 4Th June.

    Today, I woke up at 3.50Pm. ._.
    I guess that is why others call me
    PIG! Haha. Today Emily, XueJun, Dom & co
    went to Outram Park to DONATE BLOOD~
    So nice of them! Haha. The enquires
    for that is you must be 16 & above.
    If not I will join them~ Haha.
    But I don't know if I will back up a not. :X
    I went to my BaoBei JingYu house today
    to wait for her to finish her preparation. (:
    Walk-ed to Esso after that to buy a drink.
    Saw Malcom, HongWei & JunWu at the
    Wall's base. Chatted with them while
    talk to her ex-boss. (:
    Slack-ed with her under a block & something
    terrible happened. ): JingYu kept crying and there
    is nothing I could help/do. No matter what
    I said or do couldn't bring her a smile on her
    face. Seeing her like this makes me sad. ):
    Not long after, Ben came to accompany her & I
    went home. Hope she is fine now & not crying.
    & No matter what, Animal's Hut will
    be there for you! Everything will be
    fine afterall. Like I said,
    ' Don't cry because it happened,
    Smile because it happened! ' (:

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