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    Tuesday, 15 July 2008

    Tuesday, 15Th July. 2008

    Tuesday, 15Th July.

    .Hello everybody! :D
    I am here to wish LIMXUEJUN a
    Happy Birthday. Hohoho.

    .Happy Birthday To You.
    Happy Birthday To You.
    Happy Birthday To You.
    Happy Birthday To You.


    .Woke up and cab-ed to school today. (:
    Nothing special happened. A fun day in school
    with my schoolmates & Emily. Hahaha.
    Fetched my sister straight after school.
    Accompanied her to watch Tom&Jerry in the
    afternoon. I am so tired. :l Did some house
    chores when she is drinking her milk.
    & She is very naughty. Can't stand her man.
    She don't want to sleep during the afternoon
    so I said that if she sleep, I will give her her green
    apple Vitagen. She agreed. But, 5 minutes had
    passed. She insisted to drink her Vitagen before
    she sleep. Okay lor, I gave it to her if not I am
    sure she will cry. -.- After drinking, SHE DON'T
    WANT TO SLEEP ALREADY. So young yet she know
    how to lie. Tsk tsk tsk.

    Took some photos while she is drinking her
    Vitagen! :D

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