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    Monday, 8 December 2008

    Monday, 8Th Monday, 2008

    It's just some late photos (:
    Supposed to go out with my family today
    as it's a public holiday but my mom is tired. D: So, too
    bad for me laa. One more day for me to rot. D: The
    last day when I go out was last Wed. I went out with
    Leon to drink after work. And I was totally drunk. -.-
    I vomited so many times okk. Even when I am in the cab.
    Jia lat right ?! >< But the worst thing was
    my mom showered for me without my knowing. :O
    I only knew it when I am awake the next day.
    Of course, she scolded me. >< I promise I won't
    drink until that drunk again. Never never again!
    Btw, thanks LG for taking care of me when I am drunk
    even when I vomited on you. :X XIE XIE NI!

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